As discussed last Monday, I have started doing surveys through Opinion Outpost. I'm going to be honest. I haven't made any money this week. Michael and I were in the process of finding him a truck this past week (the search still goes on). So, I didn't have time to do any surveys. Hopefully, this week I can start full force.
Opinion Outpost is an interesting come to use. Not only do you get surveys, you get offers from other companies and products. When you first join, there are ten profiles to complete. They ask everything from generic questions about lifestyle to the type of liquor you drink. These profiles are important so don't skip them. They help Opinion Outpost route surveys and offers you may enjoy.
The way they track your earning is by points. Fifty points if worth $5.00. Some offers can be worth as much as 50 points and some as little as 10 points. I have found that I like to do as many surveys as I can. I try to stick to the 10-15 minute surveys which are usually 10-20 points.
The companies that Opinion Outpost work with are reputable companies. They are certified by the Better Business Bureau and other consumer agencies. If they ask you to download any software, the software is safe. I have also never been kicked out of surveys or have the surveys freeze because they use top-notch software for the surveys.
The only problem I have encountered is that it is sometimes difficult to qualify for surveys. And if you are able to qualify, the surveys can be very extensive. I like to spend no more than 10 minutes on a survey. However, some of the surveys can be as long as 30 minutes. On the flip side, the longer the surveys, the more points they are worth.
Once you complete a qualifying survey and it's determined you qualify, you will be forwarded to the company conducting the survey. The first page you will see is the name of the company, how long the survey generally takes, and how many points it's worth. You aren't penalized for deciding to not take a survey. Just remember, if you do this a lot (refuse surveys) Opinion Outpost could and will stop sending you surveys.
Money Making Tip:
The first and most important thing I need to stress to you is you will not make a lot of money doing this. This is something you do for extra money or for gift cards. Any company telling you it is possible to make a lot of money is a scam. Also, you should never have to pay to take surveys. You are doing this company a favor doing these surveys and you should NOT be paying them.
Everyone have a good week!
HI! Thanks for commenting on my blog. I think I may give Opinion Outpost a try. There is nothing to lose. Thanks for the info