Michael and I were married October 17, 2009. At the time, I was a caseworker making a poverty level salary. (I worked for one of the poorest state agencies). Michael was working as a mechanic and he was making around the same amount I was. I started couponing as a way to save us money. You can't do a lot about the house payment or student loans payments but I figured the one thing I could control is how much we would spend on groceries.
While I was trying to figure this whole thing out, I found Southern Savers. TA-DA! It took all the work out of it for me. Jenny, the webmistress of Southern Savers, would list all sales with the coupons on her website. The only responsibility I had was organizing my coupons. She also has tutorials to teach you how to do that.
I go to the grocery store once a week, specifically to get what is on sale. Don't get me wrong. Do I buy stuff not on sale? Absolutely. There was a long period of time after I got my present job that I didn't coupon. I started making around $10,000 more a year than I was making and Michael got a new job making significantly more as well. I just didn't bother with the coupons. However, after a few months of this, I have realized how much money I am spending by not couponing and I am back at it.
If I do go to the store during the week, I plan on posting a picture of what I bought and telling you how much it all cost. Some weeks I do really well. I have spent $75 at Publix before and only paid $20. But I have also had to buy stuff that wasn't on sale and I didn't have coupons.
The website I use is really only good for the southern states, specifically SC because Jenny is from SC. However, there is also Coupon Mom. That site is free to use as well. It's just a little more commercialized. Both are excellent sites and give excellent information.
Not only will I be posting my coupon successes (or failures), I will be posting my personal tips and sometimes opinions about couponing. If any of my information comes from another site, I will quote them so you can go there to read more.
Happy Couponing!
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