You have found the About Me section of God and Xanax...congratulations.
My name is Crystal and I am the writer of this blog. I am 27 years old and am learning to love my life. I work for the state of South Carolina, which is where I live. I am in love with where I live and can't imagine living anywhere else. I live about an hour from "big" mountains, 15 minutes from "small" mountains, and four-five hours from the beach. While I am more of a mountain person, it's nice to have the beach option should it become necessary.
As I said, I work for the state of South Carolina. I am a caseworker (of sorts) and help people get the benefits they need and they deserve. I have only been with my current job since September but I have worked for the state for three years. My current job helps me feel like I am making a difference, what I do matters, and is very challenging. While I don't generally care for challenges, I like them while I am at work. It does make the day exciting, gives me something to look forward to, and makes the day go by faster. If you have to work, which I do, those three things are very important. And while I love my job, it only takes eight hours of my day...so it's not a big part of my life.
I am married to my "high school sweetheart." Michael will have a whole page devoted to him..he's that important. Suffice it to say that I could not live without him...I've tried.
Another HUGE part of my life are my dogs. I do not have children nor do I have any desire to have children. However, I have two wonderful dogs.
This is Michael and Lug. Lug is a Pit Bull/Lab mix. Lug is Michael's dog.
This is Diesel. He is a Weimaraner/Lab mix. He is my baby. He's still a puppy.
It's pitiful (maybe even pathetic) how in love with my dogs I am. Lug is my protector and Diesel is my comfort. I will be talking about this more I am sure. However, it goes without saying that these are two spoiled dogs.
I come from a great family. Like all families, we have our problems but I know without a doubt, my parents and my brother have my back. I can go to them with anything I need and am not afraid to. My brother has a little girl named Melanie. I'm not crazy about children but she's a cute kid.
This is me. Of course, you'll learn more by reading my blog entries but for a brief description, this is just as good as any.