Friday, April 29, 2011

Going Into Heavy Counseling Again

I am going into counseling again. THANK GOD. I have been having what the counselor calls night terrors. These feel like panic attacks while I am sleeping and scare the ever living daylights out of me. I can pretty much control a panic attack by myself. However, when I wake up in a panic and feel like I have been shocked out of my sleep, that is not fun.

Counseling is a must for me still. I hate to admit that I haven't completely recovered from panic attacks. I still have times when I feel like the world is coming to an end or I'm having a heart attack. I understand these are symptoms of having a panic attack and anxiety. I know this. However, I still feel like I feel and I have to figure out how to not let it control my life. I am trying to release control, or the perceived control I have over myself, but it's going to be really hard. Journaling is going to be a big part of this. My counselor wants me to get a journal and keep a journal everyday. We are going to concentrate on the positive parts and what I am doing to take control over my life. I really look forward to this journey. I still have a ways to go but I know I will get there.

Ingles+Publix+CVS= savings of 80%

This was my shopping trips from last week. I'm not going to take the time to type out everything I got. I haven't had time until now to post this. I spent $59.80 on $301.87 worth of stuff for a savings of 80%. I don't go to Ingles very often but they had some things on sale that I really wanted. I also had a Publix giftcard that I had gotten through Swag Bucks. I had enough Swag Bucks to request a prize and I got a $25 giftcard from Publix. I was so excited. Then, I went to CVS and made $.92. I still have $7.99 left over for this weekend. I hope to learn how to use Walgreens this weekend so I will let you know how that goes.

My tip for this week is to use every outlet possible to get coupons. If you print coupons from Swag Bucks, you get a swag buck for redeeming it. There are other programs similar to this one but that's the only one I participate in at the moment. Also, contact all makers of your favorite products to get coupons from them. Just tell them how much you love their products and they will send your coupons.

I have been helping a few people personally get started couponing. If you want me to help you, email me your address. Email me at

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Arise My Love-SON days

When I was a teenager, my church had a youth leader named Brian. Brian was "hip" and in tune to how teenagers worshiped God. I miss him to this day for the coolness he portrayed. But during his time at my church, we did this "stick" drama, interpretive dance, whatever you want to call it. It was so powerful and so beautiful. This is the best one I can find. I also love this song. Praise God that He lives.

Took a Break

I haven't written or posted anything since 4/10/11. I have taken it easy with the couponing and I'm back at it this week. My last panic attack was on April 9 so I haven't really concentrated on anything other than getting the panic back under control. I hate that feeling. I hate the feeling of completely losing control and losing who I am. Because that's what I feel like when I have an attack. My blood pressure has also been elevated so I have been working on getting that under control. I have started losing some weight by watching what I eat and walking at work. Only been doing this a week and my weigh in day is on Monday. I just kind of got serious about my blood pressure and have decided that this is the only way I am going to control it. I have been taking my medicine but medicine can only take you so far sometimes. Plus, I hate medicine and I want to feel like I am taking an active part in my "blood pressure monitoring" other than taking my blood pressure everyday. I mean, it's been two months ago when I first said I would be losing weight. While I haven't gained anything, I haven't lost either and that has been the point. So, I started hardcore this week. I have been very conscious about what I have eaten and what it contains. I just really hopes this will help my blood pressure go down to a manageable level and it certainly can't hurt. HERE WE GO...again.

***I promise this will not turn into a weight loss blog but will still be a "general life" blog.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

SON days

I am absolutely, totally, completely IN LOVE with this son. It touches my heart when I feel like I'm not good enough. I know that God loves me for me...I don't have to be someone else. I'm okay, just the way I am.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sugar and Panic Attacks

When I first started having panic attacks in October 2010, I looked into what caused them and what I could do to prevent them. I was scared to death of having them because they literally made me feel like I was going to die. I read a lot of stuff about blood work being "off," thyroid and what not. I had that tested in the hospital so I knew all that was okay. I also read a lot about caffeine being the culprit of many panic attacks. However, because of my heart problems, I had cut out caffeine years ago. I came across several articles talking about a person's diet and panic attacks. My favorite is short sweet and to the point. And it says to limit sugar.

Now, I did this for awhile, pretty successfully I might add. Then, the panic attacks subsided and all was well with my world again. About a month ago, I started eating sugary type stuff again (candy, chocolate etc). And, I have started having the panicky feelings again. I haven't had a full blown panic attack yet but I know that one is possible. So, to avoid this, I am cutting out sugar again. And this may be something I have to do for the rest of my life to control panic attacks. Fruit is okay..I can have fruit. Candy and refined sugar is not okay. And this is what I am cutting out. Plus, on the bright side, cutting sugar may help me lose a little weight. I am still working on the losing weight and cutting sodium. All of this HAS to help me feel better.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

CVS+Publix= Savings of 84%

I'm very excited (well, semi-excited) about my shopping trips this weekend. Publix was out of A LOT of stuff I was going to get. I got rainchecks for everything and hopefully can use them before the coupons expire.

Other than that, it was a good weekend.

This is my trip to Publix. I got:

1 Box of Welchs Fruit Snacks
6 Bags of Pretzel Crisps
1 Box of Scotties Tissue
2 Boxes of Entenman's snack cakes
2 Bags of Goldfish Grahams
4 Boxes of JollyTime popcorn

I paid $11.86 for $45.97. While this is not an incredible trip, I did get some things that I would not buy if they were not on sale and I had a coupon. This was a savings of 74% which is the lowest I have gotten in a while. But, they were out of the free stuff so I will get that later.

I also went to CVS this week:

I got:

2 Right Guard Body Wash
2 Gum Eez toothpicks things
2 Oral B toothbrushes (plus free little toothpastes)
2 Crest Pro Rinses
2 John Freida Products
1 Complete Multipurpose contact solution
3 Febreeze products
2 Colgate Toothpastes

Without any sales or coupons: $ 77.75
Out of pocket cost $ 8.49
Extra Bucks Left Over $15.99
Coupon Amount Used: 
Manufacturer: $ 22.99
CVS Coupons: $ 30.99
Savings of 89%
Savings counting ECB left over: over 100%
# of Transactions: 3

CVS paid me again this week to buy stuff in their store.  My out of pocket cost was $8.49. I got back $15.99 in ECBs. I made $7.50. Not too bad. Again, I bought stuff I did not need but I do know people who will need it. Just buying the stuff I did not need was worth it just to get the Febreeze. I love Febreeze but it's expensive. I also wanted some new shampoo to try. I was excited to get an "expensive" shampoo for really inexpensive. I mean, I got an $8 bottle of shampoo for nothing. So exciting.

I guess my tip for the week, since I do it so much myself, is to buy stuff that you know someone else will use, even if you won't. I have gotten toilet paper, paper towels, Febreeze, can drinks, and various other products just because I bought stuff I didn't need. The ECB system is set up to help you. Use it for your advantage and buy the stuff you actually need (when on sale and also getting ECBs back). Use the ECB system wisely and you will end up with all kinds of hygiene and household care stuff you need.

SON days

I love this song. It reminds me that no matter what we think of ourselves, no matter what others think of us, no matter what else happens, God has a purpose for our life.